Miguel Gotor, Councillor for Culture of Rome Capital



This cutting-edge artistic experiment expands the cultural offerings of Rome and its hinterland, reaching a new international dimension with a project realised at the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris. ‘iamvulnerable’, curated by Sergio Mario Illuminato, is the title of the project that captures the soul and fragility of the human being.

The first stage of this research took place in the evocative setting of the former Pontifical Prison of Velletri, a place forgotten for over thirty years but revived as a space dedicated to art and dialogue. The former Pontifical Prison of Velletri, decommissioned in 1991, was specifically chosen for this experience. Here, art is not confined to the classic white rooms of a gallery, but merges with the worn stone walls and the bars that bear witness to its prison past. This space challenges the spectator, evoking an emotional impact and opening new avenues of reflection for future generations. This site, once a symbol of constraint and suffering, has become a fertile ground for creativity and contemplation, thanks to the dedication of a group of visionary artists.

As they entered these abandoned cells, the artists felt a deep call, an invitation to rediscover and to reinterpret historical memory through art. They didn’t merely create works; they brought to life true ‘Communicating Artistic Organisms,’ living and pulsating entities that engage in a dialogue with the past and present, with materials and ideas. This project is not just an aesthetic experience, but an ethical and intellectual journey that forces us to confront the fragility of the human condition. The cracks in the walls and the traces left by the inmates tell stories of suffering and resilience that we cannot ignore. The artists, as guardians of memory, explored these living ruins, bringing to light what risked being forgotten forever.

The second stage of this three-chapter journey will be in France, with a high-profile international project in Paris. Here, art embraces human vulnerability, a theme that is increasingly relevant in a world that often seems to move at a frantic pace. In an era dominated by individualism and competition, we tend to hide our weaknesses behind seemingly strong facades. But we are all vulnerable in unique ways. Exploring this vulnerability can be a challenging journey, but also a path to self-discovery. The ‘Communicating Artistic Organisms’, as the artist Sergio Mario Illuminato, curator of the project, calls them, exist in a constant state of flux, embodying human vulnerability and the cycle of death, life, and rebirth. It is precisely this mutation and deterioration that characterize the essence of these works.

And finally, Rome. The project will move to its third stage at the Historical Museum of Villa Altieri, to complete a creative cycle. After facing the most challenging task in Velletri, and exploring vulnerability in all its facets in Paris, we return to the primordial place of creation: the Atelier. Here, art is no longer a mere representation, but a process, a daily practice of introspection and transformation.

And so, ‘iamvulnerable’ concludes, but only temporarily. This project will, in fact, continue to evolve and grow, bringing with it new experiences and reflections. I believe that Rome, with its rich cultural heritage, its diversity of influences, and its spaces unique in the world, is perfectly positioned to welcome and nurture these new artistic avant-gardes.